By: Jackson Rushing
We interviewed Mr. Gebhart, our new principal, to get to know him better. He had a lot of interesting things to share with us:
Q: Where did you grow up?
A: “I grew up in Gardena, then moved to Torrance, then to San Pedro, where I currently live.”
Q: What made you decide to become a teacher?
A: “I became a teacher because I wanted to do something that I felt contributed to society and would make it better. At one point I was interested in becoming a police officer for the same reason, but instead decided a more direct path was teaching.”
Q: What subject did you teach?
A: “I was an English teacher.”
Q: What did you like about teaching?
A: “My favorite part of teaching, and one that continues today regardless of my specific role, was and still is interacting with and supporting students. I loved discussing texts and ideas while in the classroom, and supporting students in finding their voices and ways to express themselves and use those voices.”
Q: Did you prefer being a teacher or do you like your new job as a principal better?
A: “It is difficult to compare the two roles, because they are so different. I enjoyed the direct access and influence on students that I had as a classroom teacher, but I also enjoy the influence I have on the larger systems that impact a student's overall school experience and success. I use different skills and get different satisfaction from each role, but I love them both.”
Q: What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
A: “My main hobbies are spending time with my family, taking trips with them, playing poker, and reading. I really enjoy the time I get to spend with my family, because this job can take a lot of time. So, getting to have down time with the family is particularly important to me.”
Q: Do you have plans for Christmas break?
A: “My plans for winter break remain the same every year - spend as much time with family and friends as possible.”
Q: Tell us about your family?
A: “My family is amazing (I think so, at least :) I have an amazing wife and partner, and five wonderful children, ages 32 (son), 25 (son), 21 (daughter), 14 (son), and 7 (son). My wife is a therapist with a private practice in San Pedro, my oldest son lives in the Seattle area, my daughter is graduating from UC Davis in June with dual degrees in English and Psychology, and my 14-year old son will be a freshman here next year.”
Thank you Mr. Gebhart! We are excited to welcome you to El Segundo High School this year.